Monday, December 2, 2013

What methods do you use to help you meet your goals?

I use a vision board to help me meet my goals each year.  I never had much luck with written down new year resolutions. I use my vision board to incorporate all the facets of my life whether is be spiritual, work related, health and wellness, wealth building, travel, entrepreneurship and most importantly a reminder to have fun.

This is a picture of my 2013 vision board.  I keep my vision board in my workout room so I see it first thing every morning.  It keeps me centered on what is important.  I see resolutions as something that I will or will not do.   Vision is how I imagine me living my perfect truth; it is something that I aspire too. I find the vision board keeps me on a positive track.

I put this vision board together in December 2012.  It is wonderful to see that many of the items that I could only imagine a year ago have come to fruition.  I am starting to think about my 2014 board.  There probably will be some overlapping themes.  That's okay.  It's my board.

There are many methods that you can use when you are goal setting.  Whether you use new year resolutions, a vision board or a Excel spreadsheet mapping and graphing your goals, you should do something. You are more apt to meet your goal if you breath life into it.

Have you every used a vision board?  What method are you using to meet your goals?

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