Monday, October 21, 2013

Can you be addicted to Oreos?

I don't keep food in my house that may cause a trigger to overeat.  So chips, cookies, candy and certain breads I just don't buy.  I will buy a single serving size if I get a craving for chips.  This way I won't overeat. There is one cookie that I don't deal with on any level.  I used to joke that I am addicted to them so I just don't put myself in the path of destruction.  I can't even have them hidden in the house.  It will drive my to distraction until I find them.  My total weakness is the Oreo Cookie.  I stopped eating them years ago.  I have no control.  I can't just eat a few.  I will eat the whole package. Then I am disgusted with myself.  There is no food in the world that is as destructive as a Oreo Cookie to me.  

I found this article today at about a studying that was recently conducted by researchers at Connecticut College.  They studied the effects of Oreos on rats and how it effects on the pleasure center of the brain.  I thought this was an interesting article because I have thought for years that certain processed foods could cause an euphoric sensation causing you to overeat.  Now this study was not yet conducted on humans but this is something to watch.  This is why I strive to eat clean. Real food for real people.

You may also have that one food that puts you in a dark place.  I find it best just to completely avoid it. What have you put in place for yourself to keep you away from food that you just cannot resist? 

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