Saturday, November 30, 2013

I am now a CPT

One year ago, I attended an open house for NPTI to learn about their certification program to become a personal trainer.  Today, I have moved toward the final goal  -- certification.  I passed the NASM CPT this morning.  

The next step is getting my personal training business off the ground.  This will probably have an impact on what I write in this blog.  I will start incorporating my successes and struggles as a small business owner. Thank you for continuing this journey with me.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Certified Personal Trainer Exam

If you have been reading this blog since the beginning, you know that this blog was started as a class assignment for NPTI (National Personal Trainer Institute).  I finished up with my course in October 2013. Tomorrow I take the last step in becoming a certified personal trainer.  I will take the NASM-CPT (National Academy of Sports Medicine) exam tomorrow at 9 am.  

Wish me luck.  I have two hours to answer 120 questions.  I should know if I passed by 11 am.  I will keep you all posted.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Mid-Week Motivation

Thanksgiving is tomorrow.  Give thanks.  Enjoy your family.  Enjoy the food.  Don't forget to move.  Enjoy your workout!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Why do you work out?

Why do you work out?

Sounds like a simple question but for most it is quite complicated.  Typical answers are you want to feel better, be thin, or so I can eat what I want.

Here is what I have figured out for myself why I work out - I want to be able to do whatever activity I set my mind to without getting hurt or sore.  It took my a long time to figure this out.  Previously, I worked out because I wanted to be thin and look good.  Of course, I still want those things but I really want to be able to rake my yard without my back aching for the next week; I want to be able to climb to top of Stone Mountain to view a beautiful sunrise without my knees throbbing; I also want to be able run a 5K with my friends just because we can.

You need to find out your 'why' if you are new to fitness.   If you figure out YOUR why, then working out won't be such a chore.  Speaking of chores, today was leaf day.  After about 2 1/2 hours, this was the result. We will probably have to do this one more time before winter sets in.  This is why I work out.  Tomorrow my body will thank me.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Working out after illness

I apologize for being away so long. I went on a trip to Kenya (more on that in a different post) and caught a horrible upper respiratory as well as a stomach infection while coming home.  It was three weeks before I could start working out again.

I started working out again this past Wednesday.  I started with working the stairs at my office building at lunch.  I did all 13 floors (up and down).  My calves and hamstrings were quite sore on Thursday but that did not stop me for walking the stairs again.  I completed 18 floors on this day. I was not sore once I completed that walk.  Friday was an off day.  I wanted to complete a more hard core cardio workout on Saturday so I picked Chalean's Extreme Burn It Off DVD.  That is a rocking 30 minute cardio workout.  It felt good but challenging.  I completed a full body workout on Sunday with light weights.  I haven't worked out more than 30 minutes yet since I am not at 100% health.

All in all, it is hard for even the most fit to get back into working out after illness.  I have wanted to work out but I was just not able.  I think you have to know when you just cannot work out.  Some rules I thumb that I have used for myself is if it is from the neck up with no temperature, that I will do a light workout.  If it is below the neck then I will wait it out and then increase the intensity as my body can handle.

The take away should be that you have got to listen to your body.  Just because you don't work out for a week or two doesn't mean that your body is immediately going to fall apart.  You have to listen to your body because you can make it worse by trying to do too much.

Stay healthy and see you at the gym.