Sunday, September 22, 2013

Almost done with NPTI

You won't be getting three blog posts this week.  I am done to completing my final exams with NPTI.  I am up to my eyeballs in nutrition, anatomy, and exercise science.  Wish me luck.  I will finish up my last exam on September 28th.  Then all that will be left is to pass the NASM-CPT.

It has been a long six months.  Thanks to all of you who have been cheering in my corner.  I am sure I will have lots to report next week.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Final Push When You Have Almost Reached Your Goal

I cannot believe that we are almost finished with NPTI.  Now in the final two weeks of this six month program, I am working on keeping my energy up for these final classes.  Working full-time as well as taking 16 hours worth of classes/working out each week has taken its toll.  I am now stronger and more lean than I have ever been but I am also a little tired.  I can make it.  So can Al and Leeza.  The three of us will finish strong on the 28th of this month.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Are you really working out when you go to the gym?

I recently read an interesting article in Women's Health Magazine about how folks waste up to 35% of of their time at the gym not working out.  Have you ever thought how much time you may be wasting? Most days I wear ear phones even if I have no music on to stop people from talking to me.  This might seem rude but I just don't have time when I am trying to get my workout on to stop and have conversations.  I try really hard not to waste time especially when I am trying to do a circuit workout. There really is no time for conversation. I will catch up with you once I am done working out.

I love the suggestions they give to help you increase your efficiency at the gym.  I already follow most of these suggestions to keep my time in the gym effective.  I write out my workouts and bring that paper to the gym with me so that I can easily shift the workout around if equipment is being used. This is one thing that I have now ingrained in me as an aspiring personal trainer.  Here is the list for your review.

  • "Hit the gym with a plan and move onto another exercise if someone else is using the equipment you were planning to use.
  • Use a premade workout playlist instead of shuffle so you can just press play and go.
  • Store your headphones in a case to prevent cord tangles and ensure your buds are ready to go when you are.
  • Leave your phone in your locker (or if you’re using it for music, use airplane mode) to prevent distractions.
  • Try one of these smart ways to tie your sneakers, then double knot them before you start your workout so you don’t have to slow down for a retie.
  • Fill up your water bottle before and after your workout, not during it, to minimize time spent at the water fountain.
  • Work out with a personal trainer regularly. He or she will keep you focused and fend off other chatty gym-goers."
Read the entire article from Women's Health magazine, How Are You Really Spending Your Time at the Gym.  Enjoy your workout!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Clean Eating Magazine has been bought!

My family has been a faithful subscriber to Clean Eating Magazine since 2010.  When our magazines stopped a few month ago I was worried.  The publisher passed away earlier this year.  I know that this is a smaller magazine but it is a life line when you need an idea on making tasty dishes that are easy and quick to make.

Active Interest Media, Inc. has bought not only Clean Eating but Oxygen and MuscleMag as well.  AIM has put out a press release stating that all subscriptions will be honored.  This is good news for those of us who look forward to those 6 wonderful issue per year.  I am sure this new company will honor the founders great intentions.  Robert Kennedy was one of a kind.  He will be missed by more than his family.

Read the full press release here.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Mid - Week Movitation: update - My push to do a pull-up

October is right around the corner.  I still have not mastered doing one unassisted pull up.  I am now working quite diligently each day on the eccentric movement (letting myself down but pulling at the same time) of the pull up in hopes to strengthen myself.

I have to say every person in my training class has been rooting for me.  I really appreciate it since now my traps are constantly sore.  I will not give up.  In three short weeks will be the test. I will keep you updated.

Monday, September 9, 2013

What is the best gym for you?

I have had the opportunity to visit many different types of gyms in the past week.  One of our class assignments is to visit different gyms and shadow a personal trainer.  This has been an eye opening experience.

All my experiences have been very positive thus far.  I have met with some really awesome trainers who are really passionate about working with and helping folks reach their fitness goals.  This part of the experiences has really great. I am thankful that each gym has welcomed me with open arms and answered all my questions.

What I have learned there is a gym for every person and personality.  All the gyms I have visited have workout equipment, staff and trainers but what is different is their approach to fitness.  This means you should shop around for your budget and personality and go to the gym that meets your needs.

I take classes at the Forum in Johns Creek.  This is a beautiful facility with top notch equipment.  Most classes are extra cost to your membership.  People are nice and the clientele are mostly fit looking people.

I have visited the new Planet Fitness in Stone Mountain.  I was really impressed.  The place is just like their commercials.  Lots of equipment; no pressure to buy anything.  Classes are clearly marked on a huge board that you can see when you walk in so you don't have to speak with a trainer if you have gym intimidation. This facility was way laid back.  It seemed that this place goes out of its way to go after the 'un-gymed.'

LA Fitness in Stone Mountain was my next stop.  As a full disclosure, I used to be a member before they moved to this new building last year.  All I can say about this new building is wow!  There is so much space for all the classes as well as cardio equipment.  The new space really makes a difference. The floor plan is open and airy.  This is a hip, happening type of gym.  The clientele was split about 50% fit and 50% looking for improvement.

I have a membership at the Wade Walker YMCA in Stone Mountain.  I like the Y because it is more than a gym.  I like the community aspect of the Y as well.  This Y is one year old so the equipment is new.  The gym is not that big or fancy but highly functional.  I like that you can bring your whole family - there are activities for children right up to grandma.

I am glad that I was 'forced' to visit different gyms.  I think this will make me a better trainer in the end. I will know where and what type of facility will work best for me.  Take your time and visit a few different gyms so that you can find out the place that meets your needs.  You won't go if you don't feel comfortable.  There is a gym out there waiting for you.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Have you ever made homemade peanut butter?

My partner took me out to visit her friend, Cyndi Ball, who runs the Lazy B Farm in Statham Georgia. I got to visit with some of their animals and take a tour of their herb garden.  She gave us a huge bag of peanuts today.  This was a fortuitous gift since I have just run out of peanut and almond butter.  This video shows you how.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Mid-week Fitness Motivation

Happy September! It is a new month.  Are you still on track with your goals?

Monday, September 2, 2013

September 2013 work out playlist

Happy September!  I hope you have a wonderful and restful Labor Day.

This month I was feeling like getting my praise on while working out.  The mix for this month are some of my favorite gospel songs.  I hope you have wonderfully inspired work out.

The playlist is available through Google music at Jowanna September 2013 work out play list.